Sakis Gekas

Sakis Gekas is Associate Professor and the HHF Chair in Modern Greek History at York University. He is the co-founder of the Greek Canadian History Project (currently HHF Greek Canadian Archives, York University), the current president of the Hellenic Canadian Academic Association of Ontario, and a member of the Modern Greek Studies Association’s Executive Board. He has written and published on economic and social history, British colonialism, migration and diaspora, modern Greek and Mediterranean history. His publications include: Xenocracy: State, Class and Colonialism in the Ionian Islands, 1815-1864 (Berghan, 2016);Απόμαχοι. Οι αγωνιστές της Επανάστασης του 1821 στο Οθωνικό Κράτος (“Veterans. The fighters of the 1821 Revolution”), Athens 2021;“Islands on Fire? Navigating Ambiguity and Space during the 1821 Greek Revolution in the Aegean Sea.” Historein 21.1 (2023);“Hellenes of Toronto: Proud of Canadianism”. Commemorating the 1821 Revolution in Canada, 1920s-2021″. in Maria Kaliambou (ed.). H Επανάσταση του 1821 και οι Έλληνες της Αμερικής. Ασίνη, Αθήνα 2023.